can be derived generically using DerivingVia
Let’s see how it looks using the blog website routes (shown below).
-- An example of nested routes
-- Route's expected encoding is given as a comment.
data Route
= Route_Index -- index.html
| Route_About -- about.html
| Route_Contact -- contact.html
| Route_Blog BlogRoute -- blog/<BlogRoute>
data BlogRoute
= BlogRoute_Index -- index.html
| BlogRoute_Post Slug -- post/<Slug>
newtype Slug = Slug { unSlug :: String }
Typically, the terminal sub-routes will require a hand-written instance. For eg., the Slug
type will need a IsRoute
instance as follows:
instance IsRoute Slug where
type RouteModel Slug = ()
routePrism () = toPrism_ $ prism' (<> ".html") parsePostSlug
routeUniverse () = []
The higher level routes (BlogRoute
and Route
) can be derived automatically using generics via DerivingVia
, for instance:
data BlogRoute
= BlogRoute_Index
| BlogRoute_Post Slug
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
(HasSubRoutes, HasSubModels, IsRoute)
via ( GenericRoute
'[ WithModel ()
, -- Not needed in GHC 9.2
'[ FileRoute "index.html"
, FolderRoute "blog" Slug
Note that WithSubRoutes
is automatically computed in GHC 9.2 or above. WithModel
defaults to ()
. So, in GHC 9.2, you can also write deriving ... via (GenericRoute BlogRoute '[])
Ema also provides a TH wrapper for the above GenericRoute
deriving. In the blog example, we can derive IsRoute
for the top-level Route
type as follows:
data Route
= Route_Index
| Route_About
| Route_Contact
| Route_Blog BlogRoute
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriveGeneric ''Route
deriveIsRoute ''Route [t|'[WithModel ()]|]
The TH way has better compiler error messages due to the use of standalone deriving.
How generic deriving works
Ema uses generics-sop
. The implementation is delegated to Ema.Route.Lib.Multi.MultiRoute
, which is a generic route type based on NS
and NP
from sop-core
. Thus, much of generics machinary involves converting user’s route type to MultiRoute
; to do this, we must derive instances for HasSubRoutes
and HasSubModels
: FileRoute
and FolderRoute
gives us an isomorphism between the route type’s sum constructors and FileRoute
or FolderRoute
types. For example, the BlogRoute
type above is converted to:
type BlogRoute' =
'[ FileRoute "index.html"
, FolderRoute "blog" Slug
Notice how the “shape” of the two types match. Constructors with zero arguments (BlogRoute_Index
) are isomorphic to FileRoute
, whereas constructors with one argument (BlogRoute_Post Slug
) are isomorphic to FolderRoute a
(where a
is that argument type). Route constructors cannot not have more than one argument.
The WithSubRoutes
option to GenericRoute
can be powerful if you want to use something other than FileRoute
in the generic deriving (but without needing to hand-write encoders and decoders).
can be used to provide a specific filepath for a route constructor without arguments -
can do the same for a route constructor with an unary argumenmt.
In GHC 9.2+, WithSubRoutes
is generically determined in this manner. A constructor like Route_Blog BlogRoute
automatically expands to FolderRoute "blog" Slug
You can use any arbitrary type as long as they are coercible. In effect, WithSubRoutes
enables “deriving [HasSubRoutes] via” the specified isomorphic route constructor representations.
does for RouteModel
what HasSubRoutes
does for route constructors. In many simple cases your sub-routes share the same model type as the larger route, but in some cases you want to have a different model type for each sub-route.
To generically achieve this, we want to be able to extract the sub-model from the larger model. HasSubModel
provides this functionality via HasAny
Like, WithSubRoutes
you can explicitly specify the sub-model to extract (via HasAny
for instance) if there are ambiguities.
See Ex03_Store.hs in Ema source tree for an example.
Custom generic options
To further customize the behaviour of IsRoute
generic deriving, you can define your own options for GenericRoute
. To do this, you simply need to write an instance of GenericRouteOpt
for your option type.